Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ode to the Blackberry

Ode to the blackberry

so dark and so sweet

Longing and waiting

for you I shall eat.

But today it is June

still beautiful flowers you be

Much patience is needed

before you may nourish me.

From flowers you will grow

then green and then red

Begging to be picked

but still sour instead.

Your thorny green bushes

hold within them a prize

For all who dare

to see what is inside.

My youth was spent

summers in the blackberry rows

With cuts on my arms,

my legs, and my toes.

A harvest so grand

you never ceased to amaze

Blackberries, the epitome

of perfectly filled summer days.

White flowers today

I long, gazing upon

for those seconds, those minutes, those days, and those hours

That were spent amongst the bushes with their super sweet powers.

Vibrantly fading

white, green, red, then black

I knew in heart

there was no turning back.

With fingers stained purple

and brambles stuck to my hair

That delectable smell

still perfuming the air.

Berry, please hurry and ripen

as I may be transported back there.


  1. gar, yer makin' me miss Norcal!

  2. What a sweet serenade. There are some in that parking lot at Bikram so nice after class I miss standing on top of my car eating handfulls! LOL

  3. Nice job lexi. I want blackberries now.

  4. There are berries here in my new home that some call black berries and some call mulberries. I ate happily from a tree while waiting for my turn to tee off (hiking here requires a small white ball and some strange mallets) I was eating said berries. This year one of the women made a comment about how weird I am because I eat off the trees. haha

  5. Mulberries! Enjoy eating off the trees!
