What I learned was that Freecycle is a web based community forum or bulletin board where people can both offer and request items. Remodeling your kitchen? "OFFER: Kitchen Cabinets". Or you just had a weight change? "OFFER: Women's shirts, size medium". Or maybe you're doing some housecleaning? "OFFER: 2 years of back Yoga Journal issues". Need something for a project or looking for a new item? "WANTED: Picture Frames" or "WANTED: Newspaper for my wormbin" maybe even "WANTED: Redworms for my wormbin" or simply "WANTED: Travel Coffee Cup". You usually pick up at the home of the person who is giving it away, although I've even had things delivered to me!
The idea behind Freecycle is to keep things out of landfills. It's great to recycle your old collection of Yoga Journals, but isn't it better to give them to someone who could use them in their current incarnation?
In Marin County, we are very lucky to have such an active Freecycle group. It is superbly moderated by Nicole; groups.yahoo.com/group/marinfreecycle/ has over 5000 members, and averages about 200 offer, wanted, taken, promised and received posts weekly.
I love asking for things on Freecycle. Sometimes I get treasures, sometimes my search is fruitless, but very rarely do I ever receive duds. I also lovelovelove offering things on Freecycle. I believe that what you put into Freecycle, you get back. Personally I have Freecycled kitchen appliances (juicer, bread maker, refrigerator), a hot tub and a BBQ, a 1/2 a bag of kitty litter, books, houseplants, gift wrap and yoga DVDs, just to name a few. Nearly anything can be found in your community, if you know where to look. I strongly encourage you to find and frequent your own Freecycle community. If there isn't one in your area, then start one! The only cost is going to your community members' houses and picking up your new treasures. Plus, you'll save money, keep items out of the landfill and you just might meet your neighbors and make some friends in the process.